Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Memorial Fit For A King

I thought by waiting a couple of days after the dedication ceremonies for the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial here in DC,that I could visit the memorial crowd free & enjoy what is definitely one of the top 5 historical events of my life. I mean I'd be able to park pretty close, walk around without squeezing and/or bumping into any tourist rapidly snapping photo after photo. I thought that essentially that the excitement of the event would have died down, and that 2 days later after the ceremonies I'd practically have the memorial to myself.....FAIL. Parking was horrible & I was far from being alone. But, I'm not going to be negative about this, no sir-ree! Because, once I got out my car & walked into the entrance of the memorial I saw the most beautiful thing! I saw little black boys and black girls along with little white boys and white girls. I saw black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics. I saw just about every single ethnicity all in one place, all for the same reason. Every face was lit with joy, excitement, and a host of other emotions that seemed to almost cause the concrete statue of King himself to smile.

My original intent was to share my personal feelings on how the life long contributions of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,has directly impacted my life. But, that would be boring. I'd rather much hear how YOU, the reader, feel about the world as you know it & how it may be different without the struggles endured by Dr King. How Dr. King & many others like him have directly affected YOUR day to day quality of life. Feel FREE to post your comments & share with me & the next reader what The life of Dr. King means to YOU.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A World With No Jobs

By now you've probably heard through email (on your mac),Tweet (on your i-phone) or even your Facebook page (on your i-pad) Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. & the man behind the first pc, the iPod, iPhone iPad & so many other innovations, has passed away. Steve Jobs passed on Wednesday Oct 5th leaving many people wondering what the world would have been if he had decided so long ago to have just done....anything else. This was initially supposed to be a blog that rattled off the many accomplishments of Steve Jobs. How he contributed to making the world a more technological advanced society, changing how we actually function on a day to day basis. No, I decided not to make this blog like the countless others drowning the net right now. I decided to let YOU make this blog the most informational one around by telling how Steve Jobs & his many accomplishments have changed how YOU live. It's clear to me this could go "from infinity & beyond" , but I'm curious to know

how one man has impacted so many. Feel free to share right now, how your life wold be different if not for Steve Jobs & his mastery of his craft.

Saturday, October 1, 2011